About Us

Integro has thirty five years experience in helping Australian business. What can we do to help yours?

We help executives and managers continually develop and foster their leadership skills. These skills can be applied in both their professional and personal lives... the current expression is developing 'emotional intelligence' (EQ).

We call EQ being smart with feelings

We design leadership and team development around your corporate objectives and outcomes.

Interpersonal Growth with Integrity

What We Believe

Integro represents "Interpersonal Growth with Integrity"

We're an executive and management leadership and team effectiveness consultancy specialising in people skills for professionals.

For the past 30 years, we have helped…

  • executives and managers become better leaders
  • ensure teamwork actually works, effectively and interdependently, the opposite to people and departments adopting ‘silo mentalities’
  • build a united culture in corporate restructures, mergers and acquisitions
  • professional sales people build stronger relationships and results with their clients

Our primary role is to help executives and managers continually develop and foster leadership skills that can be applied in both their professional and personal lives.

Clients do not regard Integro as a program, but rather a practical, in-depth, engaging, emotional learning experience. Based on your needs, these experiences can vary from one day to one week.

Most of our clients continue to work with us over many years at varying levels, usually starting with senior executives. Therefore, they regard Integro not as an ‘event’ but rather a ‘journey’.

Because we believe a company is only as good as its people, we help improve your corporate profitability by focusing on what matters most - people!

We believe successful people…

  • are self-motivated... they have a passion for what they do! They have meaningful goals that inspire them to succeed
  • have high self-esteem... they believe that they deserve to succeed. They give added value, they win by helping others to win
  • know themselves... they are aware of how their needs, values and attitudes affect their behaviour. They are aware of their impact on other people
  • are self directed... they know that the choices they make determine their success. They don't make excuses or blame others
  • believe in people... they recognise that they can achieve more as a team than they can as an individual

Your Facilitators

Alan Veal

Alan's passion is leadership, both at a professional and a personal level.

Alan established Integro in Victoria and has built the business into one of Australia's best recognised leadership development consultancies.

Although his major focus is helping clients develop their leadership potential, he also develops his own leadership skills by pushing his personal limits and learning from others in high risk, challenging environments - including adventure expeditions in Antarctica, the Arctic, Kokoda Trail, Africa, and the Himalayas of Nepal. Alan has now completed one of his big goals, cycling all the way around Australia and up through the Centre in several journeys (over 22,000km in total)! Last year he completed the 660km Australian Alps Walking Track, which traverses from Gippsland to Canberra.

Gayle Sargeant

During her thirty year business career, Gayle worked her way up from a data processor in Melbourne to a Managing Director based in Amsterdam, in charge of the operations of a major business spanning four European countries and a multi-million dollar budget. She doesn't have a university degree - all of her leadership development took place in the real business world. Her leadership understanding, abilities, and applications in leading 'on the edge' major corporate change processes are second to none, as are her executive coaching skills.

During the last few years, Alan and Gayle's major role has been consulting to senior management in helping their companies become more competitive by developing strong, effective leadership and teamwork, rather than just providing strong management.

Contact Us

Integro - Alan Veal & Associates

Contact Alan Veal to discuss the desired outcomes for your business


PO Box 378
Burwood VIC 3125